STOP! Before you report this claim, PLEASE READ:
- Report ALL General Liability claims as soon as you, or anyone else insured under your policy, is aware that something has happened.
- Even if you only think someone may have been hurt, or that someone’s property may have been damaged – REPORT IT.
- Report ALL SUITS filed against you. There is a time limit for responding to suits, so please DON’T DELAY.
- Many third party liability claims start as minor incidents that no one thinks are important at the time.
- FOR EXAMPLE, someone slips and falls while visiting your model home, but insists they don’t need medical attention. This person may file a claim, or suit months, or even years later.
- You may not have coverage then if you knew about the incident, but failed to report it in a timely manner.
- A good RULE OF THUMB: if you know about it, REPORT IT.
- Your premium WILL NOT go up just because you file a claim.