No, but we will reserve our right to nonrenew your policy if you continue to refuse to enroll all your homes. The reason is this: Any home you build can have a construction defect claim. RWC does not have to pay a claim if the home is not under warranty. With a General Liability claim, we are insuring your business against claims, or suits brought by others regardless if the home is under warranty or not. If it is a covered loss, we have to pay it. Many liability claims start out as warranty issues such as no flashing around windows leading to water intrusion. If that is taken care of during year one or two of the warranty, the lack of flashing can’t turn into a serious property damage claim later. Your policy includes a self-insured retention that obligates you to pay up to $50,000 for any construction defect claim on a home that was not warranted if RWC was willing to provide the warranty.